
sfw: acedaegu || nsfw: daegurim
discord: apotheosizd

do not interact with my nsfw if you're under 18



aly, 29, any pronouns, ace, agenderi have memory issues and may forget things/people/ block happy, and probably won't engage main ships are yoonkook, taegi, taegikook, namgi, namkook, namgikook, jinkook, yoonjin, ot7 poly. but i ship everyone with everyone <3


click the picture to go to the tweet, which may have details such as trope, dynamics, etc.any of these prompts below can be commissioned. as can any of these short twt threads.please note that my sex scenes tend to be anywhere from 2k-5k words for two/three people. minimum word count provided for each prompt below is keeping in mind the bare minimum of plot i have in mind + one sex scene.


when yoongi gets powers, he learns the only way he can live with them is to let the fire out, lest he himself burn. even if it means putting himself against superheroes just trying to do some good.comm info: .5k = $3
minimum wc: 25k


nаmjооn and yооngi have been mates for centuries, living happily in a castle off on their own. they're content being by themselves, spending every day with each other and being in love.comm info: .5k = $3
minimum wc: 5k


when angel jungkооk needs help finding his brother, his lover taеhyung takes him to an old bookstore. but taеhyung didn't tell him that the owner is another demon, or that they used to be lovers themselves.comm info: .5k = $5
minimum wc: 25k


ever since leaving the nest, hosеоk has lived out in the wild where he thought it was safe. when he comes across an injured human, he takes the human home to nurse him back to good health. the human turns out to have orders from the king, however...comm info: .5k = $3
minimum wc: 25k


everyone is born with the tattoo of the first words their soulmate says to them tattooed on their wrist. this is fine for most people, but the problem for tаеhyung is that his soulmate... is dеаd.comm info: .5k = $3
minimum wc: 10k


nоvelist nаmjооn spends his nights at his second job, feeding thirsty vаmpires at a high end establishment. when a mysterious customer requests him specifically, nаmjооn is uncertain, especially with the vаmpire requiring that nаmjооn come to him.comm info: .5k = $3
minimum wc: 10k


centuries ago, tаеhyung fell in love with his king but was doomed to diе protecting him. now, in the present day, he once more is fated to love min yооngi from afar, this time as his bodyguard.comm info: .5k = $3
minimum wc: 15k


namjооn, on his own in the forest, comes across a wolf trying to crack open a dragon egg. at great risk to himself he manages to save the egg and run from the wolf, and he thinks he's out of trouble until six dragons show up at his doorstep.comm info: .5k = $7
minimum wc: 15k


fox demon sеоkjiп has gone his entire life in his little village, never seeing another monster. then one day while exploring farther from the village than the elders allow, he finds an unconscious humanoid creature with tentacles coming from its back.comm info: .5k = $3
minimum wc: 5k


book author yооngi moves to a cute little cabin in the forest to have peace while he writes. it's going great until he starts hearing things at night, and sets out traps to catch whatever it is. he expects a mouse or something, but it's a... fairy?comm info: .5k = $3
minimum wc: 5k


jungkооk has been working tentatively as a vigilante for a few months now, but when he's contacted by a man that goes by rm who claims he can up his tech and help him save more lives... he agrees, even though rm refuses to meet him in person.comm info: .5k = $3
minimum wc: 10k


idоl min yооngi can do it all. he can dance, sing, rap, produce... he's also the industry's very first hybrid idоl. after a few too many threats he caves and hires a bodyguard, one that insists on being with him all times.comm info: .5k = $3
minimum wc: 5k


Yoonkook Soulmate AU where your soulmate can hear what you hear.Famous rapper Yoongi has been hearing his soulmate (a student?) for months, but has no time to be in a relationship, so ignores it.Jungkook, irritated and gay, starts blasting AgustD at all hours of the day.comm info: .5k = $3
minimum wc: 5k


Dr. Kim Namjoon has a fanboy.comm info: .5k = $3
minimum wc: 5k


Yoongi and Hoseok are rivals that keep trying anything to not be around each other, even going so far as to use a fairy to wish it. Though they don't realize that Jimin is the fairy godmother for them both, and keeps pushing them together.comm info: .5k = $5
minimum wc: 15k


King Min and Yoongi are twins, but Yoongi was cast out at birth and stripped of his family name because there could only be one heir. As an adult, Yoongi tries to live quietly with the sweet artist boy he falls in love with, Taehyung.comm info: .5k = $5
minimum wc: 15k


namjооn has had his hybrid yооn for years, but because the group doesn't do too well after debut he sends him home with the promise of bringing him back. problem is by time they win their first big award, namjооn's parents have put yооn up for adoption without telling him.comm info: .5k = $9
minimum wc: 25k

taegi ubereats

Taegi AU where Taehyung is so desperate to get his ass ate that he orders Uber Eats and Yoongi answers the call.He gets a nice tip.comm info: .5k = $3
minimum wc: 5k

editing commissions

anything under 2k i will edit for free! beyond that, i ask for at least 1 Ko-Fi for 2-6k, and 2 Ko-Fis for 6k-10k. anything more than that we can discuss!to get me to edit a fic, please message me on my nsfw acc and just let me know.things i will only edit paid:
vaginal sex, boypussy, daddy kink, age play, mpreg, werewolf sex, piss kink
things i will not edit:
underage, bestiality, scat, vomit


on my sfw i block:
solos, bts antis, victimizers, -14, mantis, minors that follow nsfw accs. i also chainblock here.
on my nsfw i block:
minors, pedophilia creators/supporters, minor friendly nsfw accs, harassers, anti-shippers, people that sexualize minors, anti-nsfw, burner/empty accs. i chainblock harassers here.
on my personal i block:
racists, homophobes, transphobes, etc. people that piss me off. may also chainblock.
if you are blocked by me, please respect me enough to not try to circumvent the block.**for a time, my nsfw was subscribed to the blocklist from my sfwyou may also be blocked if you have me blocked on another account, in order to adhere to your wishes.


these are the services i provide!! feel free to look around and get a feel for what i do.

fanfiction commissions

i take payment at the time of starting the commission! payment is through either ko-fi or paypal.
if you can pay immediately, your fic will move up in line.
if i currently have a lot of comms, my prices go up for future comms until i clear some out.

5001 ship$3
5003-4 poly$5
500ot6/1 ot7 poly$7

fics from my prompts get a free 2k written.
fics that are 5k+ come with a free moodboard, if one has not already been made.

will writewon't write
any ship | polyamory | any top/bottom | self-cest | a/b/o | canonverse | double penetration | violence | dub-con | character death | tentacles | fuck-or-die | sex pollenunderage | daddy kink | age play | scat | vomit | bestiality | non-humanoid monster fucking | mpreg | vaginal sex | boy pussy | xreader | extreme bdsm

in progress

i work on these in order of commissioned, unless someone pays at the time of commissioning, in which case theirs will take priority.i currently have unlimited slots, but please be aware that i do not know how long fics will take.

@kyoonie_ & @BeefyNamtiddies & @aepiphanyitisot735k0k

moodboard commissions

all moodboards are 1 Ko-Fi.please just shoot me a message and we can discuss!please note that i'm not very good at black & white moodboards!below are previously made moodboards. these are not to be used for your own purposes!

tag list

what is a tag list?
a tag list is a list of users that will be tagged at the end of each new ao3 or threadfic posted, in order to alert them of new content! this is good for users that follow too many people and so don't see everything on their tl, or inactive users that just don't want to miss anything.
how to be added to the tag list:
typically at the end of each tag list there is a post that will say "like this + follow to be added." you can like that post to be added, or you can like this post, or you can just dm me on my nsfw.


ships are in age order and include all fics on ao3. please note that the bulk of my fics are commissions, but i will fill out the other ships in my free time.fics with * next to the word count are longer and more detailed on ao3.wattpad links are in lapslock. i am slowly changing my published fics on ao3 to have proper capitalization. the lapslock link is for those that prefer it.jin/yoongi [2] | jin/hoseok [0] | jin/namjoon [1] | jin/jimin [0] | jin/taehyung [1] | jin/jungkook [1]yoongi/hoseok [1] | yoongi/namjoon [3] | yoongi/jimin [2] | yoongi/taehyung [4] | yoongi/kook [7]hoseok/namjoon [0] | hoseok/jimin [0] | hoseok/taehyung [0] | hoseok/jungkook [0]namjoon/jimin [0] | namjoon/taehyung [0] | namjoon/jungkook [2]jimin/taehyung [0] | jimin/jungkook [2]taehyung/jungkook [1]3-4 person poly [7] | ot7 poly [3] | ot6/1 [1]you can click here to view my twt threads that either are not adapted to ao3, or were originally intended to just be a twt thread.

28 🔞

yoongi's only to be 28 for just a few more days. at least that was his plan.word count: 4100
tags: vampires, blood, non-con vampirism
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all i see is you

photoshoots are hard enough without the addition of seokjin constantly staring, making yoongi squirm and blush under his gaze while he does his best to pose for the photos.word count: 1600
tags: commission, yoongi centric, canonverse, pining
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silver spoon🔞

seokjin can't take being an unpaid secretary anymore. he needs a paycheck, even if he has to beg his boss for it.word count: 2600
tags: fest, porn cliche fest, big dick namjoon, quid pro quo


taehyung has been pining after his nude model seokjin for months, hiring him again and again just to spend a little more time with him. he's not sure how much more he can take, but it turns out that maybe seokjin has been pining, too.word count: 3000
tags: painter taehyung, model seokjin, painting bodies, commission
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fly to my room

seokjin and jungkook have been dancing around each other for what felt like forever, unsure if they wanted to put the group at risk by trying to be anything other than friends. it takes some time, but eventually they fall together.word count: 1300
tags: canonverse, first kiss, soft
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yoongi and hoseok are stuck in an loop of pleasure that only the arrival of the sun can stop, threatening to burst over the horizon and put them to sleep for the day, curled together on the bed with their bodies still connected.word count: 1300
tags: vampires, biting, blood play, commission
twitter || ao3

all night🔞

during a rap battle after a months' long feud, fans are left wondering what happened when sugа flees from stage. what they don't know? he went into heat, and rаp mоnster, his rival, ended up leaving with him.word count: 16600
tags: a/b/o, heat sex, rivals, canon divergence, marathon sex, multiple orgasms, commission
twitter || ao3 || wattpad || art

i like it🔞

namjoon squirms and pants under the attention of yoongi’s hands and tongue, his fingers spasming against the cushion of the couch in an attempt to keep from grabbing yoongi’s hair. yoongi just gazes up at namjoon through half lidded eyes and purrs.word count: 1500
tags: hybrid yoongi, blowjob, handjob, overstimulation, slight pain kink, edging, commission
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liar liar🔞

the detailed adventures of yoongi's most embarrassing moment in life: getting his virgin ass absolutely wrecked by the biggest cock he's ever seen and then ending up in the doctor's exam room with said cock.word count: 8000*
tags: big dick namjoon, nurse namjoon, hook up fic
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jimin has had his pet cat sugar for his entire life, since he was a baby. he always thought it was a bit weird how sugar hadn't aged, but he didn't realize quite how weird until, on his 20th birthday, he wakes up to a naked man in his bed claiming to be his familiar.word count: 25500
tags: witch jimin, familiar yoongi, hybrid yoongi, magical au, violence, mentions of minor character death
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what do you think?🔞

the ropes jimin ties around yoongi's limbs are constricting, but he revels in it, loves having the choice of movement completely taken from him by jimin's hand, knowing he'll be taken care of. eventually.word count: 2200
tags: bondage, shibari, acting dom jimin, sub yoongi, overstimulation
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blanket kick🔞

tаеhyung spends multiple nights a week, and quite a bit of money, on the cute camboy he knows as sugа. he never expects to run into the boy at a coffee shop, or to accidentally blurt out his camming name.word count: 27600
tags: camboy yoongi, sex work, lingerie, rich taehyung, felching, blowjobs, rimming, overstimulation, fake relationship, commission
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nowhere higher🔞

taehyung, photographer for movie and television sets, finds himself on the set of a music video by an artist he might be a little obsessed with. it goes down hill from there when the artist requests that someone tie him up, and taehyung seems to be the only one that knows how.word count: 6000
tags: canon divergence, soloist yoongi, photographer taehyung, shibari, semi-public sex
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love is not over🔞

yoongi and taehyung don't get the time to do this often, but when they do they enjoy it, existing together quietly, connected body and heart.word count: 700
tags: canonverse, cockwarming, soft, established relationship
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when his back starts bothering him yoongi decides to try something he saw in a tiktok to make himself feel better, but ends up being interrupted by taehyung and his wandering hands.word count: 2600
tags: canonverse, prostate massage, hinted established relationship
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jungkооk's throat hurts, but because he's in middle of recording an ost he doesn't say anything about it. yооngi takes a bit of a sly route to getting him to rest.word count: 4500
tags: canonverse, sick fic, gift fic
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so far away🔞

min yoongi has been dead for decades, and he haunts the apartment that he died in. scaring people away has gone well for him all this time, but then a new tenant moves in and he seems just as stubborn as yoongi is.word count: 3000
tags: ghost min yoongi, gift fic
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in a coffin🔞

infamous vampire hunter and exectioner jeоn jungkоok just so happens to also be seeing the king of the seoul vampires. they make it work.word count: 5000
tags: vampire hunter jungkook, vampire yoongi, blood, established relationship, gift fic
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pass me the drink🔞

jungkook wakes up in the middle of the night to the sweet smell of yoongi's slick and can't quite stop himself from having a taste.word count: 1600
tags: a/b/o, alpha jungkook, omega yoongi, consensual somnophilia, commission
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Idol jungkооk wanders the streets at night, alone and sad and he winds up in an odd place: a maid cafe. He leaves in panic but ends up running into a pretty but gruff boy with bruised knuckles and pink knees.word count: 20000
tags: idol jungkook, maid cafe worker yoongi, hurt/comfort, hidden identity, commission
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life goes on🔞

the dollhouse. a place where the rich could pay to have whoever they wanted for a short amount of time. people, programmed with the memories and personality to give you the person of your dreams, as long as you had the money. jungkook didn't want some perfect programmed doll. he wanted yoongi again.word count: 7200
tags: dollhouse, programmable people, yoongi is dead, jimin is a doll, grief, mourning, bittersweet
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soft mornings

since the boys have been working so hard in preparation for the new album, yoongi wakes up early in order to make them all breakfast, enjoying the time and banter with the members before they head off to practice. he especially enjoys spending time with the maknae of the group.word count: 2700
tags: canonverse, ot6 bts, hybrids, cat yoongi, established relationship, queer platonic ot5/yoongi, producer yoongi, hybrids are pets
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my time🔞

jungkook just wants to make his boyfriend happy. in his mind, the fact that he isn't too enthusiastic about it himself doesn't matter quite as much.word count: 5000
tags: asexual jungkook, allosexual namjoon, internalized aphobia, withdrawing consent, communication, happy ending, commission
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hybrid mate🔞

humanity had been taught that werewolves went extinct decades ago, having been hunted out of existence in order to create couldn't convince jungkook of that though, the bunny hybrid being used to dealing with his werewolf alpha's ruts, regardless of what he was told was true.word count: 2000*
tags: abo, hybrids, bunny jungkook, werewolf namjoon, omega jungkook, alpha namjoon, ruts, knots
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jungkook’s business is finally taking flight. he’s making more money than ever selling sexual and risque videos and pictures of himself and his online persona has become quite popular. it’s only natural that things move on to the next step: his first collaboration.word count: 6600
tags: fest, subkoo fest, sex work, porn, filming sex, masks
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for you🔞

bunny hybrids were known for their large libidos and aggressive heats, and jimin’s bunny koo is no different.word count: 1000
tags: hybrids, bunny hybrid jungkook, dry humping, heats, heat sex, small dick jungkook
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hybrid bunny jungkook falls into the water while playing and feels something wrap around him right before he falls unconscious. he wakes up in a pool of water in a cave, and an older boy sitting in front of him, covered in black ink.word count: 1900*
tags: rape, noncon, dubcon, hybrids, heats, bunny jungkook, octopus taehyung, tentacles, dp
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in the mood for love🔞

taehyung and jungkook find and take home a cold and injured hybrid, and although they hadn't planned on him staying, they find that he fits between them like a missing puzzle piece.ship: yoongi/taehyung/jungkook
word count: 9000
tags: hybrid yoongi, commission
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waste it on me🔞

when bighit released a press statement that most of the members of bangtan were dating within the group, well, not as many people were surprised as they thought they would be. hoseok just wishes that he were one of those members.ship: yoongi/hoseok/jimin
word count: 11500
tags: pining, presumed unrequited love, hurt & comfort, commission
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set me free🔞

the television's volume is set down low but they can still hear hoseok's moans and whines drifting from their bedroom. just the knowledge that he's lying in there, tied up and waiting for them, is enough to get them hot and bothered.ship: seokjin/yoongi/hoseok
word count: 1700
tags: dom/sub dynamics, sub hoseok, bondage, cockrings, double penetration, sex toys, orgasm denial, overstimulation, commission
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don't leave me🔞

innocent witch min yооngi is just lonely enough to attempt summoning his guardian angel. what he gets, however...ship: jungkook/yoongi/taehyung
word count: 10000
tags: dubious consent, manipulation, witch yoongi, demon taekook, double penetration, blood
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like an echo🔞

jungkооk's husband jimiп keeps getting abducted by the dragon that lives in the mountains behind their village. he'd be angrier about it if not for the fact that each time he goes to get jimiп he finds them fucking, jimiп loud and beautiful with pleasure.ship: jungkook/taehyung/jimin
word count: 32000
tags: fantasy, dragon taehyung, eventual polyamory, miscommunication, double penetration, commission
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be quiet🔞

namjoon's just trying to run his bookstore in peace, but two specific customers keep distracting him.ship: seokjin/hoseok/namjoon
word count: 2700
tags: bookstore owner namjoon, threesome, semi public sex, established jinseok
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cypher 5🔞

it's taehyung's birthday, and he wakes up waiting to be filled with love and... other things.ship: yoongi/hoseok/namjoon/taehyung
word count: 3600
tags: foursome, birthday sex
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love maze

having just recently joined his hyungs' polyamorous relationship, this is jungkook's first valentine's day with them. it doesn't seem to be going to plan, however...word count: 4000
tags: jungkook centric, ot7, valentine's day, hurt & comfort
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six vampires that have spent centuries together, loving each other. when their territory is threatened, they have no choice but to slaughter the werewolves responsible. at the pack den, the find something none of them could have expected: a starved and dying vampire in chains.word count: 31000
tags: jungkook centric, ot7, vampires, graphic violence, a lot of blood, threesome, amnesia, commission
*part two commissionedtwitter || ao3 || wattpad

bonds (not chains)

jungkook is late getting home, due to the fact that he got attacked on his way. his hyungs shower him with love and affection while they take care of him, and he takes care of them in return. they're bonded, after all.word count: 4600
tags: jungkook centric, ot7, poly, vampires, hurt/comfort, established relationship, blood, slight injuries, biting, feeding, illusions to sex
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blue & grey🔞

No matter how exhausted Yoongi is, he can't seem to be able to get more than a few hours of sleep. Desperate to get rest, he starts going to the other members, asking them to help fuck him to exhaustion.word count: 16000*
tags: yoongi centric, canonverse
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this is a list of all of my fics. please make sure to read the tags on ao3, as not all the tags have been added here on the carrd entry. the twitter link is mostly for if you'd like to rt it!you can click here to view my twt threads that either are not adapted to ao3, or were originally intended to just be a twt thread.